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IWA/CC 9-18-02

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chairperson Betty Warren, Audrey Delnicki Philip
                                Forzley, Barbara Kelly, Richard Muller, Jack
                                Phillips and Audrey Wasik

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Donald Gates sitting for Carol Heffler

STAFF PRESENT:  Jeffrey H. Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation
Debbie Reid, Recording Secretary

ITEM:  Correspondence & Reports

The Department of Environmental Protection will be holding a Municipal Inland Wetland Commissioners Training Program - Segment III.  The dates are Wednesday, October 30, Friday, November 1, Saturday, November 2, or Wednesday, November 6.  Anyone interested in this program should call the Planning Department.  An e-mail will be sent to each Commissioners to remind everyone of this seminar.

Strategic Planning

Commissioner Kelly explained that the group will be meeting this Fall.  Another Townwide Round Table will be planned.  The Strategic Planning group is seeking feedback on how Commission members feel the process has worked thus far.  The forms that have been received by each member should be filled out and returned by at the next scheduled meeting.  At that point the Commission can have a discussion on this process, all the forms can be consolidated to one form and will be sent to Strategic Planning.

There are two requests for assistance on the Hockanum River.  The first request is for individuals to monitor and search for micro vertibrates.  The second request is for a clean up.  The dates for these activities are September 28 and October 5, 2002.

Fine Ordinance

Attorney Guliano was unable to come to the meeting tonight.  The discussion will be held at the October 2 or October 16, 2002 meeting.

ITEM:  Conservation Commission

The report for the Natural Resources Assessment on the open space properties, wildlife and forestry is almost complete.  The final documents and a Power Point display will be sent to the Forrest Service.  Within the next month, a report will be given  to IWA/CC which will consists of inventory of the six large properties that the Town has acquired.  The inventory will consist of forrest products such as trees, marketable timber, and possible timber products.  The inventory will also be of wildlife and habitat on each parcel.

Eagle Scout projects will consist of providing nesting habitat a the Priest property and Mitchell property.

ITEM:  Wetland Officers Report

Good progress has been made regarding the problems with the conservation easement at 162 Cornerstone Drive and 138 Cornerstone Drive.  Both property owners have developed planting plans for their backyards in order to restore the conservation easement.

ITEM:  Public Hearing

Appl. #02-48P - Summerwood Senior Residence Development

Mr. Peter DeMallie from Design Professionals came before the Commission to represent this application.  He explained that a Soil Scientist went out to the site to check the wetlands on the site.  It was discovered that the only area, which was flagged as a wetland, did not appear to be a wetland.  Mr. Pawlak suggested that another Soil Scientist go out to the site to confirm his findings.  Mr. John Ianni and Mr. Jeff Folger both went to the site.  Mr. Ianni concurred with Mr. Pawlak that there are no wetlands on the site.  Mr. Ianni was unable to conclude how far the wetlands are from the site in question.  Mr. DeMallie stated that it is known that there are wetlands on the adjacent site, and after Mr. Ianni makes the determination of the distance of the wetlands, this application will show the upland review area or become a conservation plan.

The proposed project will include access through a public cul-de-sac a couple of feet in length within an existing right of way just off of Sharon Drive.  From the cul-de-sac there will be a private street called Summerwood Lane.  There will be a total of 20 units of condo
Mr. Galen Semprebon came before the Commission to give an overview of the stormwater system.  Mr. Semprebon started by saying there will be 35' of wooded buffer along the side of this site going down to 25' which is the minimum along the detention basin.  Mr. Semprebon explained how the stormwater system will work saying that the entire system will discharge to an existing catch basin and storm pipe.  Pavement runoff will go through the detention basin.  Foundation drainage will by-pass the basin and go directly into the storm system.  Yard drains will collect the runoff from the surface yards.  The detention basin has been oversized in order to over-detain part of the runoff because it has been found that there is a hydrolic problem in this area.

Mr. Pawlak came before the Commission.  He explained that there have been modifications to the stormwater basin design:

1.      The inlet of the basin is distant from the outlet structure.  Travel distance and time for stormwater moving through the basin will allow for greater contact between runoff and vegetation in the basin.
2.      Hydrophytic plantings will be planted within the basin.
3.      The detention basin has been designed with a wet bottom, so there will be approximately 6
Jeff explained that on this site, the surface portion of the soil has indications that there are wetland soils.  However, when you dig deeper into the soils, there is clear evidence through the color of the soils that wetlands are not present.

Jeff felt the following issues need to be revised:

1.      Anti tracking pads need to be added to the revised plan.
2.      Additional yard drains to be placed along the line to intercept water that comes down.
3.      Yearly treatment of mosquito larvacide be part of the maintenance plan for the detention basin, to be done as recommended by DEP.

Answering questions from the Commission, Jeff stated that the mosquito larvacide is very effective and not toxic to any other living thing but mosquito larva.

Mr. DeMallie told members that there are two cul-de-sacs because the development had to meet Town standards.  The first cul-de-sac is a public street.  A 50' right of way was granted, but there was not sufficient frontage for the development.  They immediately created a cul-de-sac which has to be a town road within the right of way.  This design gives this project enough frontage.

Mr. Semprebon concluded that other alternatives for the lawn drains going directly into the storm sewers can be investigated because Commission members do have concern about this.

Jeff told IWA/CC members that there is no attempt within the interior portion of the site to leave trees, although there has been on the perimeter.  The wildlife that is currently there will be displaced by this development.  Song birds will still use this area after landscaping is complete.  Mr. DeMallie stated that there was a lot of thought put into the design in order to preserve trees around the perimeter, and that the buffer was designed at 35' in order to preserve the area.

Jeff informed the applicant and Commission members that the Town Planner has had some indications that if there are no wetlands on this site, P & Z Commission members will be looking for a larger width between the buildings.

Commissioner Kelly stated that she feels it would be best to leave blocks of open space in places rather than spread buildings over the whole property.  The Commission discussed this situation over and decided it should be brought to the P & Z Commissions attention


Mr. Bill Donlin, 205 Hilton Drive, asked for an explanation regarding the buffer.

Mr. Galen Semprebon explained that under the zoning regulations, there is a 25' buffer and a 10' side yard.  For the buildings this plan has a 35' buffer area and near the detention basin the plan has a 25' buffer area.

Mr. Bill Donlin's explained that his concern is that the stormwater system be engineered properly in order to collect water.  There is already a water problem in this area.  Mr. Donlin expressed his concerns about the west nile virus.  Chairperson Warren informed Mr. Donlin that if this Commission approves this application, compliance is necessary if any conditions are placed on this application.

Mr. Dave McLaughlin, 311 Hilton Drive.  There are underground springs in this area.  Concerned that  this development will create a larger water problem then presently existing.

Mr. Roger Merrill, 109 Hilton Drive is concerned with water problems.

Mr. Galen Semprebon stated that this project is connecting into the existing system.  Runoff will not come out as quickly because with this system the water will be over-detained.

Mr. Jim Smeallie 164 Hilton Drive.  The storm drain in this area has been repaired by the Town several times.  Mr. Smeallie does not want to have a wet basement.

Mr. Semprebon explained to the public that working with town staff he would explore other options that may be available to handle the water in this area.  Mr. Semprebon explained the water runoff procedure to the public saying that there will not be any more water coming off the site then what presently does.  Peak flows will be significantly less after this development is complete, due to the construction of the detention basin.

Mr. Dave McLaughlin, 311 Hilton Drive explained that when he constructed an addition he had to remove the foundation drain because it would get clogged and feels with this the development the same problem will occur.

Mr. Roger Merrill, 109 Hilton Drive explained that he felt this development will cause problems because there are springs on this site.

Mr. Bernie Hebert, 123 Hilton Drive came before the Commission.  Mr. Hebert asked what will happen when their cellars flood?  He also felt that this site should be looked at again for wetlands.

Mr. Galen Semprebon explained that there is nothing from this development that will cause an increase in water through these properties.

Chairperson Warren informed the public that there will be a Planning & Zoning Commission meeting held on September 24, 2002 for anyone who is interested in attending in order to bring up planning & zoning issues.

The public hearing was continued to the October 2, 2002 meeting.

ITEM:  Applications Received

Appl. #02-58P Parksite Pllunket-Webster

Jeff explained that the site is planned to have an industrial building constructed.  There are no significant wetland disturbances on this site.  Impervious coverage is less than 65%.  It was the unanimous consensus of the Commission that a public hearing would not be necessary on this application.

ITEM:  Adjournment

Motion to       adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m.

Was made by Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by Commissioner Forzley
The motion:  carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully submitted

___________________________                ________________________
Deborah W. Reid, Recording Secretary                  Date Approved